All women are welcome whether you have a physical womb or not, menstrual cycle or not.

In Sheffield- Tasmania.

I will hold an intimate women’s circle to welcome the Summer energies in the South hemisphere.
Day: 16th November.
Time: from 4:30pm to 6:00-6:30pm.

In this coming circle:

💖 “Embracing our Sexuality” meditation.

Flowers are a wonderful reflection of the beauty and sensual nature of female sexuality. They show us that our sexual nature is beautiful when is open, and that it is there to be seen, nurtured and enjoyed.

Both traditional views and modern advertising can restrict and damage our view of female sexual energies. It is time to allow the flower of our sexuality to open and for us to accept it in all its beauty, and enjoy how it naturally expresses itself in our lives. Freed from fear, limitation and expectation, we can discover our true sexual sacredness.

This meditation can be particularly powerful if you are in your ovulation phase because you share the same energies as the Earth Mother.

💖 Receive a “ Cauldron Energiser”.

It is an energy transfer technique to quickly energise your Womb energy centre- also known as “The Cauldron”. It is very important because it is the centre of your feminine energies, and when this centre is full of energy and connected to the Earth, you experience well-being and happiness, and also you feel strong, centered, empowered, sensual, creative and spiritual.

💖 Time to share while having some refreshments.

Once we have finished, we will have something nice to eat and drink and a time to share, dance…or whatever arise…as every circle is a unique experience!! 

YES, I want to take part, what do I need?

–  two little bowls.

– a shawl to cover your shoulders.

something that you would like to place on the altar to recharge it, and some flowers.

a cushion to sit in the floor or a chair.

journal and a pen to take notes and something nice to eat.

Investment: AUD55 net to book your space in the circle. PayPal link below. Once payment is made, you will receive the link to join. 

Important note:  please, make sure you pay the exact amount of AUD55 as PayPal charges an extra fee.

For any other payment options, please contact Ruth at:  0488 928 328 or email me at:

Once booked, you will receive where we will be gathering.

I look forward to seeing you in the circle!!!

With Love- Ruth Andreu- Level 3 Moon Mother and Mentor, Natural Vision Educator.



rose, flower, petals